Tuesday, May 20, 2008

well I've been thinking this morning. I'm too hard on Alpha Mom. Friendship is about time freely given to those you enjoy being around. She doesn't owe me a thing. Tantrum over.

I'm tired. There is so much going on right now I just can't think about anything else. Hubby still hasn't gotten a job and if you are wondering how long you can pay bills without a job, the answer is two months. Bye-bye 401k. Who needs retirement right? I just want him to get a fucking job that he can keep and we cna actually get ahead for once. It isn't his fault. I hate the IT industry. But we are just trying to live normally because if we arn't going to make it, then $20 at a restaurant isn't going to change a thing. Not to mention that it is impossable to keep a house clean with him at home. Although he did clean the whole kitchen this morning. Thanks baby. Too bad the baby mucks it up in about two seconds. Se la vie.

I don't want to do anything today. curl up in a ball and feel sorry for myself...

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