Friday, May 2, 2008


Hubby's work scheduled a Friday afternoon "performance review" meeting with both the bosses. If you work in the IT industry you know what that means. So yesterday he put a million resumes on the market. Several of which would put him on the road or put us in a different state. I don't mind so much really, a least it would be a new experience. At this point he is going to take whoever comes back to him with a job. I'm not thrilled about him being gone a lot. I hate sleeping alone and have severe anxiety about home invasion that would be hard to deal with. Plus he is my companion and I know I would be really lonely since my friends are busy. But we will deal.

I sold the couch for $200. That will help a lot considering that we don't know if hubby has a job or not. although people are already contacting him about jobs so I think we will be ok.

Yesterday I hiked up to the top of sawnee mountain with rowan in the sling. My toe looks like it has elaphantitis because of the blister I woke up with. I really want to get started losing more weight so I am going to try to go hiking/walking at least three times a week and walk around the neighborhood everyday. I just need to do it bottom line and I will feel like myself again. Right now I don't because my personality doesn't fit with this body.

I really don't have anything to do today.Bored...very bored.

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