Sunday, June 8, 2008

I have no idea why I am so ILL right now. Everyone is irritating me and I am so close to telling everyone to go fuck themselves and lose my number. I really only get to this point every couple of years. I don't know what's up. Another strange element is that I keep invisioning shafts of wheat. I don't know what that signifies, but everytime I meditate I see a wheat field and every time I daydream or zone out I picture shafts of wheat bending in the wind. I will look it up later.

I started going through closets today in an attempt to decide what I would want to take with me and what needs to be given away. I know it is jumping the gun a little bit, but I feel like I can't look back. Like if I forget there is a possibility it won't work I can will it into happening. I can't even think about that possibility. I just need to move one and go somewhere else. There are so many wmotional ties that I am ready to get rid of. Plus I think it would be so good for Hubby and I to leave our past behind in Georgia.

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