Sunday, May 4, 2008


My little girl is getting so big. But with her SURGE in ability, it becomes apparent to me that I also need to step up my parenting skills a bit. My mother was a "baby boomer" and there for only thought of herself and was pretty realistically a self centered terrible mother. I like her as a person...but hate to this day her lack of caring for the domestic/parenting front. But I won't go into my childhood. It makes me think about the skills and attributes that I want my daughter to grow up with. I will teach her to sew when she is old enough and tell her all of those "how did you know to do that?" tricks that everyone is so in awe of. At one year I think that it is time to start doing things like leading her to put away the toys before we do something else, or letting her help more with grocery shopping instead of tearing through the aisles with her whining in tow. Sure it will take me 10x as long, but that is the point of being a SAHM. To teach your children through life, not to sit on your ass. Every time I want to get slack and let her do whatever she wants because it is faster when I do it, I think of children that have never been tought responsibility and what a nightmare that is. Visual explination: Me sitting in a circle of moms at an attachment parenting meeting. Thousands of children running haywire inside the circle. Screaming over the adults running wildly, playing with their mom's boobies while their shirt is thrust over her head by a six year old. Me beginning to have an anxiety attack since no one is telling these kids to be respectful. Climbing the walls out of there so fast they thought I was the antichrist. All the while these moms stand up and whine about how their lives are miserable and they just have to remember that they will grow out of it. "this too shall pass" My head: Shut up you stupid bitch and don't come whining to me when your kid is some manipulative doped out teenager who doesn't give a shit about you because you never decided to set them any limits. "Attachment Parenting" and letting your kid do whatever the fuck they want are two TOTALLY different things. whew. ok, I needed to get that out. Needless to say, my daughter will NEVER be like that. Responsibility is so important. I know first had since I struggle as an adult since this was never tought to us. Can you say nanny and maid at birth? I don't want to set my kid up for failure like that. Kids need to be kids. They need recess and music and exploration(why my child will never go to public school). But they also need to be treated like the people they are. A child will only rise to your expectation. Maybe we would have less skill-less disrespectful druged up teenagers if we treated them like they are capable of being responsible? Raise the drinking age to 30 and all you will create are older immature kids. ok, I need a cigarette after all that bitching. more later.

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